Here is the grand finale for this mint-focused week: a lamb burger with mint pesto. Lamb and mint are an age-old and undeniable combination, here supplemented with a healthy smear of goat cheese, red onions, and sliced pepperoncini. Can’t beat that with a stick, as my pops would say. I won’t go into the foraging […]
Watermelon Mint Gazpacho
Mint is a very common forageable plant, particularly in urban and suburban areas, as it has a tendency to creep out of a cultivated garden and then take off on its own. One plant can quickly turn into a dense patch if not properly contained. While the tenacious growth of mint can be the bane […]
Milkweed Poppers
This recipe is not dissimilar from the fried milkweed pods recipe that I posted on Friday. It uses the same breading, similar frying oil and temperature, the big difference here is the filling. This is a great recipe for the slightly larger pods from your harvest–the 3-inchers or so. You can find that previous recipe, […]
Fried Milkweed Pods
Milkweed pods are one of the stranger looking fruits out there. Milkweed itself pops out of the grass looking pretty typical, but as the season progresses, it takes on something of an extraterrestrial quality. It begins with the flowers. Milkweed flowers come in large clusters, like an over-sized Martian broccoli, the flowers popping into little […]